
Secrets of Supplements

早幾日已經睇哂呢本書, 不過未得閒寫低d重點.. 但係今日竟然俾我search到d comments~


Secrets of Supplements

It's no secret that the nutrient content of our fresh food intake has changed from that of many years ago. In this book, Gloria Askew looks at our dietary intake and nutrition in combination with natural food supplements as the path to healthy diet and lifestyle.

What kind of nutrition do we need? Which food supplements should we buy? Vitamins and food supplements are part of a multi-billion dollar industry that is poorly regulated and loosely controlled. Some supplements are good, some are bad, while some are "totally terrific". This book was written to help the general public know the difference.

The book details fundamentals of good nutrition and helps readers determine how food supplements play a role in their overall health. Its intention is to assist in making informed decisions about which food supplements are the best choice given the wide range that are available on the market today. This book does not suggest brand names or makers, but rather advocates choices based on individual self assessment and physiological needs.


The book title is: Secrets of Supplements: the Good, the Bad, the Totally Terrific” by Gloria Askew, RRN and Jerre Paquette, PhD. ISBN: 978-0-9784290-0-3

Dr. Paquette is really an amazing Prof at MRC, I've had him for 2 courses so far.

He wrote this book with a Retired Registered Nurse that travels professionally across the world teaching/ lecturing about health and fitness. He spent around 4 or 5 years researching prior to creating the book.

Although he doesn't promote brands to buy from in his book, you can email him directly at
jpaquette@mtroyal.ca to ask him, personally.

Gloria also offers health consulting, so if you have any specific questions regarding a health concern, or health problems and diet, you can consult with her.

If you want detailed information from Gloria, she charges a small one time initial fee, and then every further consultation is FREE.

He holds FREE Health/Fitness Seminars, so if anyone is interested, I will post the second seminar date.

I go to as many as I can make it to, because every time I go there I learn so many things.

Well if anyone wants any information regarding this, you can PM me, I am a friend/ student of Jerre's and I have met Gloria Askew and she is a knowledgeable and very approachable woman.

I believe that the book can serve as a salient and vital resource in maintaining health. I own it and its worth every cent.


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