


買咗幾本Disney, level 1同埋level 2, 不過因為唔想恐龍仔識咁多卡通公仔~唔係咁易買得落手  ($28@)

正在收集資料中.. 揾到..

Oxford Reading Tree原來幾好, library都有得借 (等我努力d去多d圖書館先!)

Level 1: Getting Ready to Read

  • can recognise their own name

  • can match some words
  • can recognise some letter sounds

Level 2: Starting to read

  • can recognise a few words by sight

  • can use pictures to read simple sentences
  • know some initial letter sounds

Level 3: Becoming a reader

  • can recognise 10~20 words by sight
  • can read simple sentences 
  • know all the initial letter sounds

Level 4: Building confidence in reading

  • can recognise 30~50 words by sight

  • can read harder sentences, with less support 
  • can use letter sounds to help make words

咁~到底係level幾呢? 咩叫letter sounds呢? sh~th~嗰d?

其實係响呢度見到好多平書:   以諾媽媽天地 , 恐龍媽係on-line shopper~ 又買咗一堆書喇!

好書友 d 書好似差唔多喎~

仲有PM+~ 都係分level嘅~

