
七成兒童維 D不足

美國一項研究發現兒童維他命 D不足問題嚴重,研究分析逾六千名兒童及青少年健康

狀況,估計七成人維他命 D水平低於標準,癡肥、每周飲牛奶少於一次、每日看電視或用電腦多於四小時等,均是導致維他命 D不足的高危因素,女童的維他命 D水平普遍較男童低。專家指,都市兒童少曬太陽,即使參加戶外活動也塗上防曬用品,難被太陽光直接照射,故建議每日做 10分鐘毋須防曬的戶外活動,吸收維他命 D。


About Vitamin D.. (copy from Roche Diagnostics Customer Bulletin)

Somewhere in your long working hours you need to find time for regular doses of sunlight to promote vitamin D synthesis in the skin.  Two or theree times a week, according to Michael F. Holick of Boston University School of Medicine, you should expose 25% of your body area to the sun for 25% of the time it takes for your skin to turn red.

Vitamin D deficiency can predispose to autoimmune disease, cancer (of the breast, lung and prostate) heart failure, muscle weakness, depression, schizophrenia, insulin resistance and types 1 and 2 diabetes.

Did you know, that..

  • vitamin D deficiency in early childhood and a vitamin D deficiency of the mother during pregnancy enhances development of islet autoantibodies and thus type 1 diabetes in offspring?

  • 1,25(OH)2D3 stimulate insulin secretion in the beta islet cells of the pancreas?

  • vitamin D deficiency increases insulin resistance and decreases insulin production and is therefore a risk factor for type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome?

  • >1 billion people worldwide are estimated to have vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency and experts recommend therefore to examine the vitamin D3 sufficiency status of a person?

  • a useful tool for that is the ElecsysVitaimin D3(25-OH) assay.


恐龍家外出, 除曝曬日超過一小時嘅戶外活動之外, 係唔搽防曬架! Vitamin D對鈣質吸收, 及其他新身代謝都有正面嘅影響!


2 則留言:

  1. 我都係除左要出街好耐先會同 sasa 搽防曬咋. 平日都由佢曬. 而家黑左好多呢~
    [版主回覆08/06/2009 10:43:00]但係有d人好堅持要搽防曬, 仲著哂防曬衣架!

  2. 晴晴支防曬用了一次咋! 爹爹話比她曬吓喎!
    [版主回覆08/06/2009 13:33:00]睇嚟大家都好開明喎!
