homework = SFA - 5/6 homework per day
KTS - more or less the same
Language = SFA - may be higher in standard in both PTH and ENG
KTS & SFA use the same PTH textbooks but ENG will be different
Secondary allocation = KTS may be better in Kowloon Tong net but SFA has better academic results can also be allocated to top 30 band 1 secondary schools in HK
其實學校多重視考生的性格, DBS 的學生多數是活躍主動獨立但又合群, 要教好這類學生, 要有大量學習資源, 因為他們的胃口是很大的, 悶起上來就會攪事, 所以, 有好多學校都唔敢收太多呢D學生
YW 跟 DBS 口味差唔多, 所以, 你見到有不少考生有兩間學校second in, 但林校長重家教和父母態度, 不論學校名氣, YW interview 應該比 DBS 難應付
YW 和 DBS 都無筆試, 它們不要由操練得來的"smart", 不要串英文宇, 不要講英文普通話, 要的是潛能
YW 林校長在second in 之中問 first in 時的校長室不同之地方, 需要小朋友對三維空間有長期記憶, 比串字要求層次更高; 而 DBS 是由電腦播一段故事, then 問有關故事問題, 要求考生聽一次就入腦, actually, 老師
St. Paul Co-ed 要的是很乖的小朋友, 100% 跟老師
SSCPS 要兩文三語加主動自信, 如果考生自信地回答問題, 中英普對答流暢, 應該會有offer, 同見 international school 要求差不多.
YW interview questions:
1st interview - group interview with teachers
2nd interview - group interview with principle
- kid need to bring one Chinese and one English book. The principle will ask the kid to read one page of the book (kid can choose to read chinese or Eng).
- there were some games or exercise but it was not the same for every group
- the one my son did :
1. principles show him 2 sword which has different colour when turn on
2. give him some stickers and ask him to locate the card
3. give him a dino in which the head and the tail are in wrong position. Then ask him why the dino can't stand up. Then she will fix it and explain the login to the kid
3rd interview : individal interview with the Principle. Parents require to attend
- the principle will ask the details of 2nd interview.
pls note that she asks in a very detail manner e.g.
- how many stickers I have gave you
- what is the colour of the gun when turn on
- what was the dino look like when I shown you
- what did she do to fix it
- what book you have read last time
- how many kids with him during 2nd interview
question to parent :
- why you pick this school as I live in HK island
- how you and your husband train up the kid
She will ask both the mother and husband
- e.g. I told her why I like the school, she then ask my husband if he feel the same
- what are the stregthen of my son
- who give him his name, why
- how many kids I have