
trial class@starlit learning centre

有朋友將會响一間新開嘅centre任教.. 佢邀請咗我地去俾佢地玩! (係幫手俾佢地試workflow先啱!)

因為恐龍媽當日要返工, 所以唔可以實地採訪.. 只係攞到幾張相咋~

呢個centre 會用drama嘅方式教小朋友英文



其實.. 聽過少少流程, 覺得好好玩, 咁阿仔玩完, 問佢仲想唔想再去, 佢話yes喎~ (大家睇吓佢身上d星星貼紙就知佢有幾投入啦!)

導師comments on Dino:

  • 佢d PTH發音好準, 有無學過架? (無呀~ 咪學校嗰一星期一兩堂囉!)

  • 佢識得自己搵垃圾埇掉垃圾, 無人叫過佢~ (呢個嘢係有少少.. 鍾意乾淨!)

可惜當日媽媽有事行唔開啦~ 我地另外book咗science嘅trail class, 恐龍媽都有份俾咗少少意見架! 希望到時玩得開心d啦!

有興趣嘅~ 上佢地個website www.starlit.hk book返堂trail class啦!



by the teacher:

We’ve done quite a lot on Friday.. a fictional character – LOLA was introduced to the kids and the kids needed to help LOLA to adapt to new school life, including making NAME TAG, finding out missing lola (in order to explore the classroom) and learn some new vocab related to school from our native mandarin teacher (I HAVE TO SAY, Dino's mandarin is really GOOD!), and of coz, lots of fun songs and games : )

 As we are a drama-in-education learning center, that mean we want children learn through experiencing the story, say, in role of the character (or character’s friends) to solve problem, cause we believe children can learn better through experiencing. We also have ‘free for all’ areas (like art, dramatic play, block, books, science corners) for children to chose to play after the core lesson, in that way, children’s talents and interest can be shown. Kwok-sang chose to play block at first, but later he changed to dramatic play corner where other children were there too.

 BTW, one funny observation, I think you guys teach Dino to be a really neat kid at home, right? as whenever he got some garbage, he will automatically go find the garbage bin himself and throw it away. Ha-ha. (nobody ever tell him to do so or show him the garbage bin thou)


