
Dino Dad is not home (Day 3)

I don't want to type Chinese again..

Dino dad is missing!

Well.. he told me that he has a business trip to 杭州, leave at around 8am, and come home at around 11pm, tonight.  Didnt mention anything related to the flight no., hotel nor airline.

When I tried to check the HK Airport arrival website, I can't found any flight coming from 杭州 after 6pm! OMG! 

Dino Dad is missing!

Actually, he told me that originally there's no flight available after work, but finally got one.  We need to go to Dino's first Parent's Day tomorrow.  And that's why daddy need to come back after work, but not staying for one more night.

So, where are you????

need to come back from another airport? 

Why can't you just give me a call at the airport?!


後記: 原來大頭蝦先生唔知要响深圳返先有咁夜嘅機, 其實佢連自己坐咩機都係酒店front desk d女仔幫佢check嘅, 班機仲要delay咗一粒鐘, 佢响深圳機場坐巴士去太子再返屋企.. 返到都點幾喇!

1 則留言:

  1. 男人係咁嫁喇...我老公都係上大陸做野奉止唔打電話俾我報平安!仲同我講做野要緊。
    [版主回覆02/06/2010 21:54:00]都唔知人擔心嘅!
