
Dino Dad is not home (Day 1)

Grandma is playing with Dino right now.

This boy, loves playing a lot.  He doesn't like eating and sleeping, prefers playing.

Grandma hasn't visited us for a few weeks.  Today, she pays a sudden visit.  When I came home, grandma and grandpa were here, playing a new toy (which they bought it) with Dino.

According to our new arrangement, if this little boy doesn't sit properly and finishes his food within half an hour, he will not have story time and nobody can play with him.

Tonight, of cause, he doesn't need to bother daddy's new rule.  Grandma is always his best playmate!  As expected, he cannot sit properly, doesn't want to swallow his food.  Well, I can understand that his appetite may not be very good as he just recovered from flu.  But he cannot sit properly.. makes me need to be "black-faced".  As expected again, he didn't really bother how unhappy is his old mom.

Dino said suddenly, "I don't like mami. I like grandma and auntie!"

ok.. I know.. I know~

But I am sorry, you don't have your story time tonight.  Unfortunately, grandma doesn't need to obey his son's rule.. so, even nobody can play with him, still grandma will play with him!

and.. with the TV on!!!!

Dino is singing happily outside..

5 則留言:

  1. 睇得出你好嬲, 連中文都懶打... 不過都無計, 鬼叫佢係皇太后咩
    [版主回覆02/04/2010 09:52:00]哈哈~ 係呀.. 谷住唔健康, 講咗出嚟會好d, 咁打中文慢嘛!

  2. 做咩你唔出聲呀, 咁樣踩場法,比著我一定BLACK FACE ---係對住個奶奶
    [版主回覆02/04/2010 09:51:00]鬼咩.. 佢地响度住開, 有key架! 咁c6又覺得無問題, 我可以點喎.. 就算佢打嚟, 我都係會俾佢入屋架啦, 無乜分別 (我就係咁.. 算俾足面佢兩老架喇!)

  3. It's very hard to set up rules and let the kids follow it as a habit, yet, just one act will destroy everything.
    And... from my observation, this damage is >95% caused by grandparents, mostly 麻麻. It's always the mum who keep sticking the rules, and, a daughter could "order" her own mum (grandma) to follow the rules.
    Well, but for 麻麻 ... see how cooperative your hubby is la.
    [版主回覆02/04/2010 21:44:00]he said, i should not put my anger onto Dino! OMG!

  4. 算啦. 一次半次
    [版主回覆02/04/2010 21:45:00]今晚又嚟...

  5. 心同感受
    [版主回覆02/04/2010 21:42:00]唉~
