




其實唔係報咗好多間學校, 但係同恐龍爸就坐低傾咗好多嘢, 大方向係"除非有好特別原因, 否則唔轉校"! 另外就係, 都叫做教到d成績睇到, 雖然面試時間好短, 但係爭崩頭學校都收am, 叫做好成績喇!


搵一間好嘅N1然後讀上去, 唔好响K1時再去爭喇, 競爭大之餘, 俾佢見太多嘢, 又話鍾意呢樣唔鍾意嗰樣, 再為聽唔聽佢講而煩惱.. 咪搞喇!

地點真係好緊要, 响半個鐘交通以內嘅地點搵到就最理想

我一定會幫細仔報Ascot! 機會唔大, 但係好過無報過, 始終得唔到嘅嘢係最好嘅~ wahahahahah..

2 則留言:

  1. Dina Ma
    suddenly we need to move to MOS this summer. we quickly change the offer from TY good health to MOS good health.
    For HKPS, the application is closed and the teacher said the possibility of getting into the nursery class is low since there is a long waiting list. sigh....
    besides Think, which school do you  recommend if i want my son to have good languages training?
    have you heard of the school called 祟真美善 in Kam Tai? it gives me an impression of loving and caring and is close to where we will live. but i am worrying about their language level and syllabus, just like creative. I am afraid my son will have difficulty in fitting in the DSS / private school syllabus. Judging from the syllabus, is it more or less the same as good health? or worse than it?
    please help
    [版主回覆01/08/2010 16:48:00]as far as I know, goodhealth is quite "difficult" and can cope with the syllabus of primary school.  and I personally like most in MOS area (big campus, fair language training, many activities).  I heard about 祟真美善, it has good comments in these few years, good language too! but if u can pay for the school fee, then goodhealth looks a bit better to me.  the 2nd one is more activity-based to me. 
    u may try wellborn, there's NET and big compus, should be better than goodhealth for language.  but comments r not as good as goodhealth.
    i have bias, goodhealth is close to my home and it's the final choice for dino for his N1 in MOS area.

  2. thanks dino ma.
    actually i have called the 祟真美善 and they told me they will only offer song singing activity in nursery stage. I will apply other KG in kowloon tong  this september, just a bit worried if  祟真美善 can strengthen my kid's language ability in nursery. But it is really close to my home, just within 5-10 mins walk. do u know how good is their language training? maybe I need to go there in person to take a look at their textbooks.
    I think i will make a choice between Good health and  祟真美善. Wellbron is too commercial, not my cup of tea.
