
選校攻畋------- 熱門學校 (三)


CCKG~ 一間無K1嘅KG, 得高班同低班, 出名入DBS/DGS嘅比率極高! 畢業生富獨立思考能力, 非常smart, 有膽色!

  • application~ early Nov, 留意11月1日嘅SCMP or 問學校~ by hand only, $30@, 2009年會係11月2日,星期一, 9-11am (幾寸喎~)

  • CCKG一定要學生獨立,不怕陌生人,因為面試要單對單進行,家長不可以陪伴入內,如果小朋友喊,收的機會很微!

  • 面試全英文, 內容都係顏色圖型, 重點唔係小朋友識唔識~ Mrs. Fielding仲會請小朋友食糖!

  • 聽說此校一向喜歡由爸爸帶孩子面試

  • 教學語言係英文, 有中文堂, 無普通話, 有默書,  課程較KV淺

  • Do you know if the curriculum in CCKG is easy, just right, or difficult (I mean very "koak")?  
    {Definitely not "koak".  Whether it's just right or easy will depend on with which kindergarten you will like to compare it with. It is definitely easier than KV}.

  • Is that a traditional way of teaching or the modern one like Victoria?

  • Will kids learnt a lot or just play most of the time in school?
    {The kids do learn, but the syllabus is not too transparent. Other than chinese, where they have to do writing everyday, they don't have any maths
    or english homework at all, although they have readers to take home to read.}

  • apart from English, what's the "strength" that the kinder can nuture to most of the kids?
    {Independence - parents are not allowed up in the classroom, so they are pretty much on their own since day 1.  Also, because the children stay together for 2 years, they develope quite a strong bonding amongst themselves.  It's a small school so the teachers know everyone of them.}

  • any extracurricular activities arranged by the school for the kids?
    {they have a number of outings, eg. visits to Kadoriee Farm, Ocean Park, HK Park..etc. and sports day.}

  • Are most of the teacher strict and cool or warm and caring?
    {Some are really nice and caring, but there are a few who are very strict.}

  • 入讀小學: DBS/DGS/SPCC/Ying Wa 等等嘅名校!!!!

  • 想入CCKG, 唔一定要讀St. Cat, 有家長話, 好多同學仔from York/think/hkps/vitoria

嘩~ 睇完一大堆料, 真係要好好考慮會唔會報! actually~ DBS都唔係恐龍媽杯茶 (有童年陰影呀!)


7 則留言:

  1. DBS? 你係女嚟㗎喎, 都有陰影
    [版主回覆06/15/2009 07:02:00] 


  2. 嘩! 全英文面試  都有些難度啊
    我都有童年陰影, 小學時被姨媽迫去見名校, 只記得老師問我坐什麼車來?SO 我唔想晴晴 & 我 有壓力
    [版主回覆06/15/2009 21:07:00]恐龍仔in嗰間N1都用英文, 不過唔駛"答", 只係跟指令做動作~

  3. 好勁呀!咁多資料!
    [版主回覆06/18/2009 14:47:00]有心機搵..唔難架!

  4. HIHI..第一次睇你個BLOG呀..想請教下你一些意見!
    康傑適唔適合一些比較活潑既小朋友? 如有婆婆照顧..半日OR 全日好呢? 張煊昌又如何? 咁最终你會否選擇名校?
    [版主回覆06/26/2009 15:08:00]康傑好多活動, 其實感覺真係唔錯, 樣樣有d, 課程唔太淺, 有NET有普通話, 時候雖然唔多, 但係如果屋企加d時間, 就ok
    婆婆會唔會教小朋友? 會唔會教壞小朋友? (唔好介意~ 有d老人家湊.. 湊到好多問題!) 如果$$方便問題唔大, 我個人覺得全日好! 唔駛再去搵興趣班, 因為康傑嘅課程, pm係興趣班嚟架! open 俾其他小朋友參加添!
    張煊昌~ 只知區內好熱門, 有學卷, 我識得有個仔仔都幾叻嘅媽媽就揀咗呢間喇!
    最終~ 其實已經揀咗, 會讀收咗恐龍仔嘅nursery, 如無意外, 會繼續讀落去, 不過都會照報其他KG見識吓, 大人細路都攞d經驗啦~

  5. 多謝你的意見..其實我都係已經在康傑買哂校服,書包.留位費...不過都係心大心細
    [版主回覆06/29/2009 11:12:00]聽好多家長comments, 康傑都幾好架! 點解心大心細呀? 仲有其他選擇?

  6. 現在經濟不境..公司仲話會裁員tim呀...最吸引我既就是張煊昌有學卷..   可以把減左學卷既$$..再出去學PHONICS or 其他...同埋我見到張煊昌既師資好過康傑喎..不過我又鍾意康傑多時間接觸外籍老師!
    [版主回覆11/17/2009 16:38:00]其實係架.. 有學卷嘅, 我都鍾意張煊昌

  7. CCKG's students are not neccessarily very smart. I know some kids entering CCKG with a very strong reference letter. Mrs. Fielding realised that the parent would use strong reference to help their kids entering good primary school.
    The primary objective of Mrs. Fielding is to find stduents who has high % (not necessarily smart) to enter good primary school.
