
SO disappointed~

to have a long story short~

I had sore throat/flu/cough in this two weeks.  Still need to work overtime to prepare for the external audit on this Monday.

Things were fine~

But comments from the CEO-will-be.. was a long list of room for improvement~

I wrote a reply to her that, her point had been considered but some hardware/resource problem which I cannot control and made the idea cannot be worked out. 

Indeed, I think the main project turn out fine would be great already, no need to be perfect.

I got her reply this morning, and she said, she is not looking for explanation or excuse!

ok~ fine then.

Her idea is hers, she is another queen.  Other wont have the intelligent to know how to make it better.  Even, for something need not to be perfect.

Male boss, looking for result.  If it pass, you would have appreciation and clapping hands.

Female boss, looking at both process and result (and some minor things).  If the process is not good enough, even you got a good result, you will still have a long list of "room for improvement".  Never have appreciation.


No matter how hard I work, how good is the impression of the external assessor/auditor, I will still be a black pig.  Then, what's the point?! Doesnt she know that, nobody wanna take this job and I was so green when I take the job?! It works out finally.  I didn't promise that everything will be perfect. I am still learning.

Yes, I am naive.  I like appreciation more than money.  But she is stupid then.  A good manager should use her personal technique to make a staff work for her/him. 

So tired.


4 則留言:

  1. 唔好嬲到講英文啦.... 有時老闆係咁, 有啲boss永和都唔會讚人, 不過其實佢心中有數, 知道邊個係好幫手嘅.  睇開啲人都開心啲, 話咁快又4日假, 會去邊度玩呀.....
    [版主回覆04/09/2009 13:48:00]差d俾你笑c~ 嬲到唔嬲喇..
    係直落放10日呀! 會去長隆呀~ 不過訂酒店...

  2. 嘩你就好啦....我哋都想帶阿b去呀, 去完返嚟記住報告吓, 玩得開心啲啦. 
    [版主回覆04/09/2009 22:53:00]thanks~

  3. 我阿頭係男人又如何? 我直頭俾佢鬧無用腦~ 平時都唔知同佢清咗幾多"蘇州", 換嚟係咩... 嘿!

  4. 放假玩得開心啲啦!唔好掛住工作呢!
