
HKBU A School


Mission: 全人為本,學子為先
Principal, Primary School: Ms. Ramida DIN 羅美寶女士
Staffing (2010-2011): no. of teaching staff = 67; degree holder: 94%
        Teachers' highest qualification:
  • Bachelor = 46
  • Master = 16
  • Doctor = 1
Staffing (2011-2012) = 73

School Fee = $35,000 per year (by 10 installments)
Class Structure = G1-G6, 5 classes each, 150 students for each grade in total
Medium of Instruction: English except, PTH for Chinese, OLE (other learning experience)
Curriculum: Local (no IB for DSS), problem based learning, focus on MI,communication skill, moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic development, the spiritual development of students is also cultivated.
no exam, but assessments for Eng, Chinese, Maths only. Report in Grades (A to D, according to the ability)
Small Group Teaching for different learners' diversity.   Enrichment and Enchancement Programmes are available. 
international citizen: overseas excursions needed every year.
Parents education will be provided.

上面嘅嘢,係學校書仔有嘅,基本上聽完個briefing, 相信學生嘅語言能力唔錯,校長強調會揀d主動學習,溝通能力良好,鍾意睇書嘅小朋友!
教學上,重視電腦應用,學生自我反思,自學,溝通 等能力,能定立學習目標,改善弱點。

2 則留言:

  1. thanks, 恐龍媽
    [版主回覆06/05/2011 10:49:00]唔駛客氣!

  2. No exam! When I was a student, I was dreaming all day that it would be good if there's no exam.
