

初一冷親牛牛.. 黃昏有兩聲乾咳  - 開始俾camu camu (vitamin C) 同12X cell salt 佢食

初二, 都係兩聲咳, 繼續俾camu camu + 12X (同下)

初三, 出咗成日街, 唔係幾瞓到, 都係兩聲咳! 黃昏時份, 情況無差到 (好彩! 好驚唔夠休息會差咗架!)

初四, d咳開始有少少痰聲, 個鼻有dd濕, 俾咗Aconitum Napellus Hepar Sulph , 無再咳, 間中有鼻鼻

初五, 轉俾Hepar Sulph, 好快止到鼻鼻, 半夜個鼻都係有dd鼻涕(有聲)

初六, 成咗一日 Hepar Sulph, 心情唔多好, 勁扭計! 呢日半夜瞓得好好多喇!

初七, 朝早見佢OK, 不過都係有少少不安, 俾咗一次Chamomilla 去平服d 情緒

初八, 尋晚有輕微鼻水倒流, 咳醒幾次


Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum30x
Helps to localize inflammation, as in bringing a boil to a head. Also of value in treating croup, certain head colds, sore throats and laryngitis

Aconitum Napellus 30x
Initial stages of fevers and inflammations brought about by exposure to dry cold, with anxiety, restlessness and thirst. Discontinue when perspiration sets in

Chamomilla 30x
Hypersensitivity to pain, rheumatic discomfort, sleeplessness and nervous excitability. Relieves colic and teething distress in children.

