
New Mom

Really wanna write something about my new life.. even cannot input chinese by using this notebook.

The birth of this little cow was another dramatic experience to me.. breaking water with pain.. lots of water.. I cried, not because of the laboring pain, but some injection from my arm! emergency C-section.. Dino dad could not stay with me~  things happened within 3 hours!  I still remember that Dr. Yu was holding my hand, but I could not feel the sense of safety I need.

It was midnight~ so, I stayed in hospital for 5 days, whereas 4 days for the little thing.

The urine tubing was removed at noon, I need to leave my bed after 14 hours ( the time I set for myself, so that we can go to visit our baby).  It took a long while for the dizzyness leaving me.. thanks for Dino dad again.  I havent been hold by him like this for a long long time.. he was supporting my weight..

I was so tired that day.. frightened my parents.  But after 8pm, I was fine already.. could even stand up alone without any assistance!  This time, I recover much faster than last time!

Again, I got close monitoring, blood pressure measurement for every hour.. then every 4 hours until I leave!  Nurses come to visit me every 4 hours.. ask how I feel!  and, new policy of the hospital, they will tell you what you need to do and the cost of the treatment, then you need to sign on a piece of paper.  It's $1xx per day for checking bp every 4 hours.  Close monitoring cost around $600..

Everything is money.. luckily, we have maternity insurance.  And that's why we go for private.  But of cause, there's a limit!

Another new experience: breastfeeding~

Dino refused me.. actually he refused to bf and refused the mama milk!  I need to mix it with formula, so that he would drink it! I only pump out some milk everyday for 3 months, and of cause, just limited supply.

This time, I actually started within 24 hours.  This little cow is really great, he knows how to do it!  By the 2nd time, I can let him suck for 10 min on both sides.. But problem arised., my nipples hurt so much.. I need to stop!

Bless me and my little cow.. it's the 3rd day after his birth.  It's so painful to me.. but I cannot give up now! just cannot!  Bless me for recovering soon.. bless me that my skin wont break again.. or I need to use pump.. which is not as good as the true bf~ 


10 則留言:

  1. Big clap to our new mom!!! V, add oil and keep going on breastfeeding! It's good to you and little cow. Try your very best. Finger crossed for you. Take more rest and take care. And may joy be with your family.
    [版主回覆04/13/2010 09:01:00]thx! come visit us later!!!!

  2. 每次餵完用返啲奶滋潤, 會好啲㗎~ 努力, 當你諗起Abbott咁貴 (仲要係無貨), 幾痛都會撐得住 BTE, 如果想响NB輸入中文, 但又裝唔到, 可以試呢個: http://www.cangjieinput.com/
    [版主回覆04/13/2010 08:57:00]yes.. absolutely agree... the formula is too expensive now! =P
    haha~ thx!

  3. 母愛真係偉大, 加油呀~~

  4. Keep trying, don't give up bf so easily. My 27 months son is still bf by me, really fanastic expereince... ADD OIL...

  5. Don't give up your bf, after a few days, both you and your little cow will adjust each other and it will be better.  Keep going!!

  6. Dino mama, don't give up ah !
    Have you tried Purelan 100 by Medela?  It really helps to rehydrate and relive sore nipples.  My nipples got so dry and even bleed, so I used this gel/grease everytime after I bf or pump.  Highly recommend it.  You can actually find it in Eugene, Wing On etc. 
    Hope you'll feel better soon :)

  7. Congrats!  Don't give up!  You will be fine!! 

  8. 加油加油, 餵完奶用奶塗番係nipple, 之後等一陣乾左先著返Bra, 噤樣就唔會噤容易損.

  9. 加油!最初的幾日一定是最難涯,我都就快生第二個啦,大家努力,祝福你!
    [版主回覆04/19/2010 17:35:00]大家努力!

  10. add oil add oil, support you.
