



首先係Little Mozart 親子班嘅畢業表演, 媽咪會跟埋一齊"上音樂堂"

然後, 同爺爺嫲嫲飲茶..


再出街食dessert buffet!!!

嘩~ 第一次喎..

佢好鍾意食呢隻餅+cold cut, 食完再食, 食咗4-5塊!!!!

送乜禮物俾媽咪? 恐龍仔答: 耳環囉!


恐龍仔答: 爸爸送俾我; 我送俾媽咪!

原來3-5歲要俾$108架! 不過咁開心, 抵啦!


呢日~ 無bb牛牛份, 佢要留守屋企! 希望出年識得kiss媽咪啦!



呢日, Auntie放假, 爸爸返工, 牛牛响婆婆屋企..

媽媽諗住帶恐龍仔近近地.. 去坐船船同埋行吓沙灘!

去到西貢碼頭, 船家話半月灣要$40一位, 最少4位.. 因為未到泳季, 所以無乜人去! 於是, 我地改去橋咀島!  $30@



睇人釣魚.. 呢位叔叔仲借枝魚竿恐龍仔影相!

因為水漲, 行唔到過去.



跟住回程, 去咗susanna食lunch (有哥哥請恐龍仔食雪糕呀!), 然後就返屋企喇!



恐龍仔病咗兩個多星期.. 傳染咗俾媽咪 (所以好耐無update個blog囉!) .. 依家, 終於輪到工人姨姨.. 唉~

(Thanks for the mama's milk, 牛牛is still fine.)

一早食飽嘅牛牛唔願瞓, 咁~ 就同牛牛玩一陣啦~

首先, 我地練食床! 點知佢玩食手! 食完右手食左手!

當然.. 唔少得"食床"啦!

之後, 返上搖床, 繼續玩! 終於俾人影到個笑樣喇!!!



之後, 仲表演"食奶咀"!!!

其實牛牛唔太好呢家嘢.. 不過有時佢"發作"時, 可以暫時止到d喊聲, 所以..

跟住, 都係唔瞓, 不如玩吓按摩啦..

呢隻牛.. 幾好味架!





尋晚爸爸放工, 帶咗隻小動物返嚟..

我地俾咗間屋佢暫住.. 仲有一塊葉..

恐龍仔自己攞起本昆蟲書.. 打開呢頁~


今朝.. 葉, 唔見咗! 剩低d...



記得恐龍仔一反轉就喊.. 成兩個月都係"食床"

呢兩日試吓反轉一個月多d嘅牛牛.. 嘩!!!!

利害呀! 都知牛牛條頸好力架喇.. 掃風時總係同人"搞對抗"~ 佢都有食床, 但係就真係好肯試, 完全無喊!

雖然呢吓唔係抬得好高, 只係最高嗰吓影唔到咋!

玩咗一分鐘唔夠... 牛牛個胃表達佢嘅"不滿" (因為好滿~)





不過都係無乜進步, 依然一日7-8餐奶, 90-100ml

依然好多肚風, 成日谷到喊!

so far, 最高紀錄係兩餐相隔5個鐘, 3幾次啦~

9pm之後好唔定, 因為爸爸當早夜更, 晚晚苦戰連場.. 辛苦哂!

所以.. 會安排牛牛一個星期去婆婆度一晚, 俾爸媽瞓吓, 拍吓拖.. 不過半夜媽咪都係要起身做功課 (呢個係医院d姨姨用嘅term, 擠奶呀~)

一路天氣涼, 無影過光豬相, 滿月就當然要影返張留念啦!

今日仲去咗健康院打針.. 足十磅喇! 重得幾好, 啱啱响50線!

呢隻嘢瞓住打針, 叫咗兩聲, 跟住繼續瞓! 原本要見医生check眼仔, 搞極都唔醒, 今次又check唔到喇!

夜晚, 係滿月宴, 一家人食餐飯, 可惜舅母有朋友同日擺滿月, 所以無嚟到, 我地仲未見過大牛牛兩個星期嘅表姐仔呀!

主角~ 好乖咁瞓~瞓~瞓~


牛牛@week 3

3wk 大喇!
睇住佢長肉, 可惜天氣都仲係涼, 唔敢影光豬相住!

兩兄弟有個相同問題, 就係"肚風"/Colic 喇! 不過pattern好唔同, 哥哥就每朝5-6點發作, 牛牛就食完兩三個鐘就開始EERR, 開始喊! 唔知佢餓未, 搞到3個鐘一餐, 好辛苦!
有時可以谷到一個鐘換3次片, 臭c人!

餓起上嚟, 連包被張care label都唔放過!


而且好少放蚊! 所以真係無影過恐龍yawn~

因為响唔適當嘅時候喊, 牛牛已經開始做奶咀B喇! 不過佢唔多鍾意佢個朋友仔~



做咗3個星期哥哥嘅恐龍仔~ 係點嘅呢?

(最新造型: 蘑菇仔)

熟悉恐龍媽嘅朋友, 可能會知道, 媽媽一直都怕恐龍仔心理上會起好大變化, 本來硬頸嘅人仔, 如果樣樣大倒退.. 都幾頭痛! Sam Sir 都打過嚟問候過恐龍仔 (多謝哂~)

起初幾日, 恐龍仔唔肯摸細佬架! 連睇佢洗白白都唔肯! 經過呢兩三個星期, 慢慢見到進步喇! 佢唔再話"我要打牛牛", 有次叫佢影相, 佢逃跑!

之後~ 都叫肯合照~

但呢日~ 佢主動話"要抱抱牛牛", 婆婆好快應咗句唔好, 但恐龍媽當然捉住呢個大好機會.. 叫恐龍仔坐上sofa, 婆婆睇實, 然後極速去攞相機!!!


呢排無心機寫blog..  恐龍仔嘅生日過咗成個月喇! 佢仲玩緊佢嗰幾個氣球! wahahaha.. 估唔到都玩到成個月!





Colic Overview

Doctors have yet to discover the causes of infant colic, described as excessive crying in an otherwise healthy baby. A fussy, crying, colicky baby is inconsolable, and the crying is not due to hunger or pain.

Medical experts define colic as crying lasting more than 3 hours a day, 3 times a week. A baby may establish a daily pattern of crying, such as early morning or evening. For new parents, this situation can be extremely frustrating. The condition affects up to 20% of newborns.

Colic Causes

Some researchers speculate colic may originate in a baby’s intestines, although there is no defined cause.

Others believe the cause may be environmental. For several years, mothers believed certain milk formulas were the cause of colic. Recent evidence suggests avoidance of cow's milk for certain infants. Switching to a whey hydrolysate formula may prevent the formation of colic.

Colic Symptoms

Crying usually begins suddenly. The baby also may do one of the following:

  • Arch its back

  • Extend its legs

  • Clench its fists

  • Redden its face

  • Belch or spit up excessively after feeding, which may relieve symptoms

  • Pass gas

  • Have difficulty passing stools


When to Seek Medical Care

If the baby’s symptoms suggest other causes, such as fever or excessive sleepiness, seek medical attention. You should also see a doctor if the excessive crying causes you or other family members extreme frustration and anger.

Colic in itself is not a medical emergency. Colic is a diagnosis made when all other causes are ruled out. If you suspect other conditions may be causing irritability and pain in your infant, go immediately to a hospital's emergency department.

Exams and Tests

A doctor will assess your baby to rule out other causes for crying, such as an infection or an intestinal condition. Once other causes are ruled out, the diagnosis of colic can be given.

Colic Treatment

Self-Care at Home

There are no sure-fire treatments, but you may try the following:

  • Use a pacifier.

  • Gently rock the infant using a rocking chair or lap.

  • Softly massage the infant’s abdomen or back.

  • Play relaxing music (even if it works just for the parent!).

Medical Treatment

Treatment often entails reassurance by the doctor. The doctor also may recommend these treatments:

  • Simethicone drops (Maalox, Gas-X, Mylanta, Phazyme) may relieve gas.

  • Ensure a quiet, nonstimulating environment when colic begins.

  • Change the baby's diet and feeding techniques. Breastfed babies may benefit if the mother avoids dairy products, especially if prone to allergies, or resort to a hypoallergenic diet. Other suggestions include eliminating spicy foods, raw vegetables, and caffeine.

  • Try an alternative to milk-based formulas. Recent studies suggest that switching from milk-based formulas may lessen the incidence of colic.

    • Whey-based formulas, such as Carnation Good Start, contain already broken-down proteins that may be more easily digestible.

    • Soy-based formulas, such as Isomil and Enfamil ProSobee, may decrease the duration of colic symptoms.

    • Hypoallergenic formulas, such as Enfamil Nutramigen and Alimentum, are thought to reduce colic symptoms in bottle-fed babies. They are more expensive than other formulas.


Although colic can be a frightening experience for new parents, it is not a dangerous condition for your child. An infant often will outgrow the condition after age 3 months, usually with no permanent problems.